YAF receives $2,000 for speaker fee


Young Americans for Freedom received $2,000 in funding to cover the speaking fee for its March 18 event during Wednesday’s Franciscan University Student Government’s formal meeting.

Spring Bill 56 allocated the money needed for acclaimed author and political pundit, Andrew Klavan’s, March 18 speaking event. According to the bill, Klavan’s talk will be entitled “It’s All Fake News” and will be hosted in the Gentile Gallery.

Majority Leader Joseph Starcher asked why Klavan’s price was so high and Chief Justice Jeremiah Poff, serving as YAF’s representative, said it was actually reasonable compared to other speaking fees.

“Ben Shapiro and Steven Crowder could cost upwards of $25,000,” Poff said. “We’re getting a pretty good name for a pretty good price.”

The bill was passed unanimously.

Also during the meeting:

Spring Bill 51 allocated $308.88 to Student Government for the renewal of its subscription to the Survey Monkey survey service.

Spring Bill 52 gave the Knitting Nook Club $86.80 for needles and yarn.

Spring Bill 55 reimbursed Marissa Eckelkamp, president of the IDEAS club, $159 for the purchase of club t-shirts for its spring break trip to the United Nations.

Spring Bill 53 allocated $140 to the Baron Pep Band for the purchase of a tenor drum. It was also the beneficiary of Spring Bill 54, which reallocated $30 to help with the purchase.

President Gabe Gessler said sophomore Monica Surovec had resigned her senate seat and a special election will be scheduled after spring break to fill her spot.

Student Government will not meet again until March 20 due to the university’s spring break.